Sunday, April 29, 2007

How can the U.S. avoid to be a "Fast Food Nation?"

Today I watched the movie called, "Fast Food Nation." Although I already read the book, "Fast Food Nation", it is the first time for me to watch the movie. The movie basically showed me about how harmful eating fast food regularly. In the movie, one individual conducted the experiment by himself. He ate fast food for every meal for thirty days and showed how his health condition has been changed. Even though I already knew about harmful effects of fast food, I was very shocked and realized how serious the problem is by watching the movie. After thirty days of experiment, he got fat and sick, and had higher possibilities to get several different kinds of diseases caused by obesity. All of doctors advised him to stop eating fast food and insisted that he already ate enough amount of fast food for his entire life.

In the United States, many people enjoy many different kinds of fast food nowadays. Esepecially, younger people tend to eat more fast food than elders. Because of this fact, we can easily see many people who are overweight from yougers to elders on the street everyday. According to the statistics that is provided by several studies show, we have people who are overweight more than ever before. Also, people with obesity keep increasing now. Since 1990s, when fast food industries are popularized in the U.S., obesity has become one of the most serious social problems in American society. More serious problem is that it seems very hard to solve this problem since fast food has already become daily meal for all Americans.

In order to solve this complicated problem, in my opinion, fast food industries should be more ethical when they sell their food to the customers. Almost all of them know about harmful effects of their food, but they do not want let cusotmers know about those. Rather they just focus on selling food in order to make more money. Actually, the health of the people in this nation is more important than making more money for a few people. Along with that, some strict policies regarding nutritional restrictions are strongly needed. In order to protect people's health, fast food industries should follow the rules that are for people to keep them in good health condition. Finally, more campaigns have to be done in order to let the people know about harmful effects of fast food and make them not to eat fast food too much.

1 comment:

Pat R said...

just watched Fast Food Nation, it's an impactful flick to say the least... earlier today i passed up a sausage mcmuffin because of it. Evidently it is worth passing up fast food for more than health reasons.